Thursday, November 29, 2012

Round 4: Malt Shop

Well, I made it to Round 4, the final round, in the GDS Designer Contest.  I know, I can't believe it either!  The winner of this round will join the wonderful design team at GDS.  Honestly, after all the work that went into this kit, I'm not sure I'm cut out for full-time designing.  I haven't slept, ate, seen my family, or done any housework in the past week.  I'm  not too concerned about that last part. ;)  But, only time will tell if this is just a hobby or something I will continue to pursue.  I guess first, I need to find out if anyone even wants to scrap with my creations!

So, let's find out, shall we?  I present to you "Malt Shop", my first ever full kit with alpha.  Hooray!  Click on the image below to go the GDS Gallery.  You'll find the download links in the description.  You will need to be signed into GDS to see the image and links.

Of course, I had to make an Add-On for you!  Just click the image to download.

I would appreciate your help in spreading the word.  This kit will only be available for free through the weekend, so time is limited. Thanks!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Softly Falling

It's mini kit time again!  I made it to Round 3 of the GDS Designer Contest.  We were given a beautiful soft grey, purple, and pink pallette to work with this time around.  It immediately made me think of winter.  The hard part this round?  We couldn't use any commercial use products except for a few they provided.  This really stretched me!  I learned to use Photoshop like I have never used it before.  I am really happy with how it turned out, especially since so much of it was from "scratch".  I hope you will enjoy it as well.

Click on the kit preview to download it from the GDS Gallery.  You will need to login to see the preview.  The download link is in the description.

**This link has expired.  Watch for it in my store soon!  You can still grab the cluster and Add-On!**

This round, we were given a bonus challenge to create a frame cluster using our kit.  Click on the image below to find the cluster in the GDS Gallery.
Finally, I have also created a few extra pieces as an add-on.  Simply click on the preview below to download.
As always, I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me in spreading the word about my kit.  Part of our judging is based on advertising and I am still new to this aspect of designing!  So your tweets, blog posts, and FB links would be more helpful than you can imagine.  Thanks!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Up, Up, and Away!

We are on to Round 2 in the GDS Designer Contest!  Our mission this time was to create a kit that reflects a dream on our Bucket List.  Some people really struggled with this one, but I knew the type of kit I wanted to create immediately!  For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to take a ride in a Hot Air Balloon.  I am determined that this WILL happen before I die. It's a lifelong dream!

While creating this kit, I had the song "Up, Up, and Away" by The 5th Dimension running through my mind.  I've always liked that song and I think it might have planted the seed of this dream.  Anyway, the color pallette was perfect for a bright, fun hot air balloon kit.  I'm happy with how it turned out and I hope you will enjoy it too!  Just click on the preview below to go the GDS gallery.  You have to be logged in to see the preview and the links are in the description.

** The links have expired.  Watch for this coming to my store soon!  You can still grab the Add-On. **

I also created a little add-on for you for stopping by my blog.  Just click on the preview to download!

Again, this contest is partly judged on our ability to advertise, so I would appreciate any help you can give me in spreading the word.  Thanks!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Another Design Contest!

Back in September I joined a design contest and was ecstatic when I made it past Round One.  My excitement, however, was short lived.  I had to drop out of the contest when I ended up in the hospital and had to have surgery.  It was disappointing not to get the chance to move on in the contest.

Well, now I have another chance!  Go Digital Scrapbooking is having a designer contest during the month of November.  We were given a color pallette and a specific number of papers and elements to create.  It was a lot of fun!  You can click on the image below to go to the GDS gallery where the download links are located.

** Links has expired.  Watch for this coming to my store soon!  You can still grab the Add-On. **

We were allowed to create a very small add-on to host on our blogs if we wanted.  Being a big fan of solid color papers, I thought I'd make two more in blue and green to help stretch the kit a little bit further. Click on the image below to download!

We are partially judged on our advertising abilities, so I would LOVE to have your help in spreading the word.  Please share this blog post on Facebook, Pinterest, your Blog, or any othe way that you would like.  I'd really appreciate your help! Thanks!